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Sunday, May 29, 2011

pictures of anne hathaway in love and

pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway Love And Other
  • Anne Hathaway Love And Other

  • mr.steevo
    Oct 3, 04:15 PM
    Not going to happen. You realise that Apple doesn't give a crap about the 100 nerds out there that want to be able to upgrade their graphics cards?


    The people I have spoken to who use PC's are not nerds or power users, however, they do have monitors that work perfectly fine and want to use them. Why would someone purchase a 20" iMac when they already have sitting on their desk a 12 month old 19" LCD? They may not all need expandability (or really understand what that means) but they are of the mind set that they must have the option. These people are simply not considering Apple computers because of the lack of an upgradeable computer that is under $1500 (the mini is not easily upgradeable unless you happen to be one of those nerds you are refering to). The gap between the mini and the Mac Pro is enormous in both power and price yet there is nothing in the middle price/power range. Simply dismissing this catagory of people will not convince them to buy an iMac. Further, saying the operating system will convince them to switch is a moot point if they never buy the computer in the first place.

    My friends, family, and co-workers are all interested in this "OS X thing" but get turned off at the price of the Pro, the lack of power of the mini, and the all in one of the iMac. This is what I am seeing, and Apple is losing sales because of it.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway in quot;Love and
  • Anne Hathaway in quot;Love and

  • BHP41
    Dec 13, 08:23 PM
    A verizon phone without that ugly ass logo on the front and back. No way!!! LOL. The next iPhone will have hsdpa+ not CDMA. Does verizon need the iPhone. Yes. Will they get it next year. No. To all those that say "I can't wait because I "need" better service". Sit down please. If you "needed" better service you'd be with verizon,sprint or tmobile already. It funny how people will buy the iPhone, comlaon about service then start threads like this. News flash.... A PHONE IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE NETWORK IT IS CONECTED TO. In my case, it doesn't matter. I don't live in the hills so I have great service from all the wireless providers. I choose the iPhone 4 as my main device for work and play even though I have many BB's,a nexus 1, and a incredible. Verizon is stuck so far up motorolas,htc,and samsungs ass that they can't handle apple. Their too busy releasing and stocking a new android every 3 weeks.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne-hathaway-love-other-drugs
  • anne-hathaway-love-other-drugs

  • milani
    Mar 18, 02:40 AM
    A lot of people seem to hate on Apple products just because they're made by Apple.

    I don't know of instances of Apple fans signing up on competitors forums, yet that seems to happen with some regularity around here. I'm not saying Apple fans don't antagonize competitors, but from my experience it's usually the other way around, as you point out.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Love and Other Drugs
  • Love and Other Drugs

  • nsayer
    Jul 21, 05:27 PM
    It creates a constant -24dbm drop.

    *TWEEEEEEET* Illegal use of units. 5 yard penalty. Repeat first down.

    dB is a ratio unit, usable in the context of "...a 24 dB drop." dBm is an absolute unit - dB up from a milliwatt.


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway Designer
  • Anne Hathaway Designer

  • La Porta
    Mar 25, 07:02 AM
    I remember, I was so excited for this to arrive all day at school. I was a 17 year-old high school senior, just itching to get out of class because I knew the package would arrive that day. I had been running OS X Public Beta on my iMac DV SE and was ready for the real thing! Little did I know that, as far as I go, the "real thing" came with 10.2 on my next LCD iMac!

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway In #39;Love And
  • Anne Hathaway In #39;Love And

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 28, 11:51 PM
    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne hathaway love and other
  • anne hathaway love and other

  • iCrizzo
    May 3, 01:50 PM
    I use the jailbroken app for free tethering on my iPhone.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway in Love amp; Other
  • Anne Hathaway in Love amp; Other

  • bazzalisk
    Oct 3, 03:17 PM
    Merrom MBP ;p


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway Talks About Nude
  • Anne Hathaway Talks About Nude

  • ju5tin81
    Sep 12, 07:27 AM
    I'm in Washington D.C. (8:24am EST) and just tried going into iTMS and there's a black page, with white text, announcing "It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated." Here come the movies!

    in UK, I just get a 'sorry, music store busy message'.... hmmm....

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway
  • Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway

  • NebulaClash
    Dec 13, 03:01 PM
    ^ this.

    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway found hosting
  • Anne Hathaway found hosting

  • tristangage
    Apr 22, 02:50 PM
    To me, the whole idea is completely redundant.

    Yeah, we can tell.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway, Love and Other
  • Anne Hathaway, Love and Other

  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Apr 22, 10:08 PM
    They should change everything if not to just confuse people. Lol


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway
  • Anne Hathaway

  • cyclotron451
    May 4, 03:17 AM
    but this was 2 decades ago, just as Mobile Telecoms was taking-off. We had the situation that we were profitable (enormously profitable) with just 100 customers - the other 50 million customers were an annoyance. Any expensive hardware that we introduced - transatlantic fibre cables, digital cross-connect switches etcetera paid for themselves very quickly and after that the revenue was just pure profit. The 'phone companies seem to have developed a liking for this 'free money' business model?

    I have iPhones and Android, I chose Nexus One for the *real* open Google philosophy. It does WiFi tethering under 2.3.3, my operator Italian Vodafone seems to allow tethering under my 500MB/week for 3 Euros (2Gig for $17US/mo), although if I signed up today for the same deal I'd only be offered 250MB/week for 3 Euros - and my colleagues who have put an I-Vodafone GSM sim in an iPad report that it refuses to connect and demands an individual iPad exclusive data contract. $$$

    I think in a few years internet connectivity will be seen as an essential worldwide civil right, and hopefully there will be a balanced debate about access costs and pluralistic supply options?

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Love and Other Drugs
  • Love and Other Drugs

  • iGary
    Sep 25, 06:27 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    3. Use the patch tool.

    Let us know what you find.



    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. Anne Hathaway arrives in
  • Anne Hathaway arrives in

  • Rocketman
    Jul 21, 12:49 PM
    I want someone to make a utility that replaces the improved bar display and algorithm with a randomized display and algorithm. That way you stop looking for bars to make your life better and just make the damn call and see if it goes through or not. Pass/fail.

    Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes.

    Maybe Apple could make that an Easter Egg. Those were the days, when Easter Eggs were common. Fun times.


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne hathaway love and other
  • anne hathaway love and other

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 1, 10:55 AM
    The fact that you say they have "zero to do with anything I said" shows just how little you understand. You really think that locking down an OS has nothing to do with software or computer engineering? I can't even begin to come up with a response, as your level of shared knowledge is just too low.

    Dude, honestly, WTF are you going on about? You throw abstract generic words around like "software and computer engineering" that encompass literally the ENTIRE computer market and then tell people they don't know WTF they're talking about. Sorry, but I have to laugh. You demonstrate no knowledge about the subject and your reponses are pretty much, "I won't even bother to argue because you're a 5-year old". ROTFLMAO. Nothing says "clueless" to me quite like throwing insults and giving no valid arguments what-so-ever on a given topic. I've got two degrees in electronic engineering so you calling me a 5-year old is so utterly absurd, it's a joke.

    What Apple does with iOS and OSX uses engineering, but there is no technology 'god' up there demanding that Apple head in the direction of closed systems, non-professional features, etc. There is no template that forces Apple to go in a given direction. More advanced engineering doesn't mean more closed. Learn the difference for goodness sake!

    Apple is making these decisions based on business decisions with some 'control' factors thrown-in based on their CEO's personality. Engineering simply accommodates/implements the business decisions taken. It is not responsible for those decisions in any way. They could accommodate improvements with or without open/closed. Yes, it has 'something' to do with it, but it's completely irrelevant to the conversation here because implementing or creating a vision technologically is still not a business decision whether to do something or not (in this case whether to pursue real technological improvements to OSX or spend their time dumbing down the interface and/or making it more like the iPad/iPhone. Those are 'lateral' steps at best, not engineering breakthroughs.


    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne hathaway love and other
  • anne hathaway love and other

  • copykris
    Apr 7, 04:57 AM
    Vintage poster - it will look great in my media room!

    love it

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne hathaway pics love and
  • anne hathaway pics love and

  • Tundraboy
    Apr 29, 02:01 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    I feel the same way, it'll be ironic when you have to use a Windows PC to jailbreak Apple computers so you can install software that you want!!!!!! When it comes to that I'll be moving on as well.

    pictures of anne hathaway in love and. anne hathaway love and other
  • anne hathaway love and other

  • spicyapple
    Aug 7, 04:21 PM
    Remember, the original 22" Cinema Display sold for $3999. And at the time, buying one in Canada with an exchange rate of 1.5 meant the lcd sold for nearly $6,000 CDN. :eek:

    $2000 for 30" LCD... haha that's cheap! :D

    May 4, 03:09 AM
    Seriously, you think Drs and CEOs need pressure sensitive styluses? You are the one being ridiculous.

    The thing about all those lines, they are all true. You latch on to a single feature and try to use it to disqualify 1000s of unrelated use cases.

    - most people, even professionals do not require any stylus to effectively use an iPad.
    - there are dozens of good styluses for the iPad already. Some even do a decent job of approximating pressure sensitive. These syluses cover 95%+ of what the people who want styluses are looking for. The other 5% or trying to replace a specialized drawing device with an iPad.

    So 5% of .01% care about pressure sensitive styluses. (I am being very generous here, the number is actually quite a bit smaller then that).

    I do use a stylus on my iPad, every single day. I take notes with it and sign contracts....

    i'm very surprised that you can defend the ipad's handwriting capabilities.

    pressure sensitivity is not the issue.

    when writing on ipad with a stylus you can not let any part of your hand rest on the screen, either that, or you can wear a crazy glove; this makes writing incredibly awkward.

    but what's worse is the accuracy with which the stylus registers. the ipad was simply not built for this. lines come out jagged and disfigured. you can probably scribble something awful but readable. try drawing the simplest thing.

    tell me i'm wrong.

    as for your percentages:

    what do people want to do with styluses? mostly write. some want to draw, artists, but also people that want to be able to sketch figures and ideas.

    can the ipad do this effectively now? can a student take notes in class on an ipad? do you really think a student can take readable notes, fast enough, while writing with a 'hovering' hand?

    tell me you do.

    even if we said 100% of people simply want to be able to write, as on a regular pad, as i see it, all 100% will find the ipad dreadfully unsuitable.

    yes, you can do a lot without a stylus. yes, i was unfair in my statements. yes, the ipad can still be useful.

    is it MORE useful than a regular laptop? No. how could it be?

    ... if it had accurate stylus input.

    yes, that would make it more expensive. in fact, what we're essentially talking about here is nothing more than a 'slate' tablet PC, which has been around forever. they're making a comeback thanks to the ipad, and i hope they will become the standard, for the higher end tablets anyways. they are more expensive than ipads, but they're actual computers that run full operating systems. they have touch and they have pen input.

    that's a direction Apple should have gone in a long time ago. i hope, hope, hope they will go there in the future.

    Oct 4, 04:29 AM

    The people I have spoken to who use PC's are not nerds or power users, however, they do have monitors that work perfectly fine and want to use them. Why would someone purchase a 20" iMac when they already have sitting on their desk a 12 month old 19" LCD? They may not all need expandability (or really understand what that means) but they are of the mind set that they must have the option. These people are simply not considering Apple computers because of the lack of an upgradeable computer that is under $1500 (the mini is not easily upgradeable unless you happen to be one of those nerds you are refering to). The gap between the mini and the Mac Pro is enormous in both power and price yet there is nothing in the middle price/power range. Simply dismissing this catagory of people will not convince them to buy an iMac. Further, saying the operating system will convince them to switch is a moot point if they never buy the computer in the first place.

    My friends, family, and co-workers are all interested in this "OS X thing" but get turned off at the price of the Pro, the lack of power of the mini, and the all in one of the iMac. This is what I am seeing, and Apple is losing sales because of it.

    You said the exact reasons why I bought a new PC tower and not a Mac, although I wanted to get a Mac.

    Oct 3, 06:08 PM

    The people I have spoken to who use PC's are not nerds or power users, however, they do have monitors that work perfectly fine and want to use them. Why would someone purchase a 20" iMac when they already have sitting on their desk a 12 month old 19" LCD? They may not all need expandability (or really understand what that means) but they are of the mind set that they must have the option. These people are simply not considering Apple computers because of the lack of an upgradeable computer that is under $1500 (the mini is not easily upgradeable unless you happen to be one of those nerds you are refering to). The gap between the mini and the Mac Pro is enormous in both power and price yet there is nothing in the middle price/power range. Simply dismissing this catagory of people will not convince them to buy an iMac. Further, saying the operating system will convince them to switch is a moot point if they never buy the computer in the first place.

    My friends, family, and co-workers are all interested in this "OS X thing" but get turned off at the price of the Pro, the lack of power of the mini, and the all in one of the iMac. This is what I am seeing, and Apple is losing sales because of it.

    The Mini is pretty powerful. Sorry to discount your argument, but I think that it's more than enough for people out there that aren't power users/computer nerds. Heck, my dad runs engineering software all day long on his Pentium 3 733mhz, 256MB RAM computer and doesn't feel the need to upgrade.

    It being in a small case is even better for the common user. Maybe to us, a small case seems like a bad computer, but the specs are similar to MacBook specs, which seems like enough for almost all users out there.

    Oct 28, 05:44 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD?
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief?

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

    May 10, 08:04 PM
    well i wouldn't say that. it wouldn't be as big of a deal if i was at the machine everyday, then a quick change of a few settings and it's back up. but being away, this is not fun.

    It will be easier once you get moved.

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